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Top 5 Significant Trends for SEO Agency to Follow in 2019

Someday ago, the calendar has changed and so we are a moment where we look at our past achievements and analyze them to assess them. Being a leading SEO agency in Noida, we have also analyzed recent trends in SEO and are trying to estimate SEO trends for the year 2019. These SEO trends are not only for the SEO industry but also for almost every industry, because almost every industry is rapidly relying on digital platforms for its marketing and branding. As the reach of the internet is increasing rapidly among people filled with potential customers, no business can ignore the use of digital equipment for its business. So whatever industry you are related to, these trends are very important to be kept in mind for the development of your business.

What are the trends for SEO Agency to follow

Here's an overview of the top trend in the SEO industry, which will be stronger in 2019. The team of expert SEO professionals from a future conscious Affordable SEO Services in Noida has compiled this list which is mentioned below.

Video on rise and live video: Until a few years ago, only YouTube was a video-oriented major digital channel, but recently all the major social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram started live video broadcasting. And many times users have added this feature positively and they have empowered them to use their social media channels and to connect with their users dynamically. So we can just say that the use of video will increase and certainly there will be an SEO trend to follow in 2019.

Chatboots, speaker and AI-based supporters: Chatboots and speakers are making their presence more useful than ever before, instead of just music and videos, they are increasing in the form of e-commerce, maps and personal help. A survey concludes that by the year 2020, 50% of searches will be done through voice. Increasing dependence on SIRI, Google Assistant, Cortana etc. is becoming a highly responsive AI device with better response rates and human-like feedback. Therefore, we can simply put the chatbots and AI-based subscribers in the list of SEO trends to follow in 2019.

AdWords and paid ads on social media channels: In recent years, businesses have shown positive confidence in digital channels. They are putting more money in it and are not hesitant about the experiments, Noida claims to be the experts of an excellent SEO agency. As Facebook is providing more flexibility to run ads on Instagram as well as Facebook, Google is also increasing its AdWords capabilities, so paid advertisements are on a bigger ride. We are fully confirming its growth during the coming years and therefore we have no hesitation in putting in the list of SEO trends to follow in 2019.

Local Influencers and Google My Business: Whether a business is based on its product or service-based, it depends on the local crowd of potential customers. They physically verify businesses and become local brand ambassadors for that business. No business can neglect local customers and therefore, their presence on the map. As a business, you need to keep in real place with real business related information, in this era it has become mandatory. Google is making more efforts in Google My Business to provide a realistic experience and therefore, it will become one of SEO trends to follow in 2019.

User-created content and reviews: Users of any product or service are the brand-ambassadors, so their review becomes very important for any brand. Each business is recognizing their voice through testimonials and reviews. New customers and potential customers are now like to go through the review before making a determined decision about buying / receiving something new. Since this tendency is increasing among people, therefore, the review and rating of users is definitely one of the SEO trends to follow in 2019.

Many other factors are important in digital marketing and SEO in 2019. Increase your business's growth through experts, through accurate digital marketing solutions.


  1. Can you please share trends of 2020? We are an seo company looking for new trends.

  2. Now Google May2020 Core update is giving trouble to number of business, Their traffic has been gone down to 30 to 40 percent. Our digital Marketing company can help them to recover from this update.

  3. Thank you for providing this useful information.
    Voice Search SEO


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